S.H.Figuarts Iron Spider Avengers: Infinity War


S.H.Figuarts Iron Spider Avengers: Infinity War
Release date: May 2018
Price: 6800 yen

For you (including me) who was doubted to take on this figure will might think twice now, it’s official now the S.H.Figuarts Iron Spider will be equipped with the four mechanical spider-arms or waldoes (comic version) just like in the Avengers: Infinity War. I already take my chance with the late order and hope if it doesn’t get cut order. Don’t miss this chances guys.

Bandai SHF Avengers: Infinity War Iron Spider Bandai SHF Avengers: Infinity War Iron Spider Bandai SHF Avengers: Infinity War Iron Spider Bandai SHF Avengers: Infinity War Iron Spider Bandai SHF Avengers: Infinity War Iron Spider Bandai SHF Avengers: Infinity War Iron Spider Bandai SHF Avengers: Infinity War Iron Spider Bandai SHF Avengers: Infinity War Iron Spider Bandai SHF Avengers: Infinity War Iron Spider Bandai SHF Avengers: Infinity War Iron Spider
© 2018 MARVEL


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